If you want to organize a holiday in Sardinia, take advantage of our offers and start planning your dream holiday today!
Family Offer
Don’t wait, don’t dream of going on holiday, but decide to! Book your holiday in Sardinia today at Hotel Genna e Masoni with your family.
For stays of at least 3 nights, 10% discount. Valid from 12/4 to 18/7 and from 25/8 to 29/10.
Don’t wait until the last minute and save on a beach holiday for you and your family. Aimed at families with children up to 12 years old.
Book your stay now and save with our non-refundable offer! Enjoy the tranquillity of our rooms surrounded by nature at exclusive discounted rates. Hurry, limited places available. Book now to ensure your perfect stay in Cardedu!
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